Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An Atrocity and A Felicity

Lindsay Lohan is suing E*Trade over their latest talking baby campaign because she claims that "everyone" thinks the baby is based on her. As if we need another illustration of how utterly and completely crazy Lindsay is. She is suing for 100 million dollars. One hundred million dollars! Fifty million for her pain and suffering and another fifty million for compensation. Miss Lohan claims that her first name is as identifiable as other single name monikers such as Madonna and Cher. Really? Really, Lindsay? So people are supposed to get that the 'milkaholic' baby from the commercial is actually a thinly disguised mockery of Lindsay? Wow. The folks at E*Trade claim that they picked a baby name that was fairly popular and that one of their staffers is also named Lindsay and that she was partly the inspiration. It might really be time for Lindsay to call Dr. Drew and check into Celebrity Rehab.

Watch the hilarious commercial here! I am so excited for a reason to post this because it cracks me up every time AND I never thought of Lindsay Lohan once!

On a less-crazy note, Keri Russell may be returning to television in a single camera sitcom created by Arrested Development's Mitch Hurwitz. Will Arnett is also slated to star. Wilde Kingdom is a romantic comedy about a wealthy self-centered playboy who falls in love with a very selfless humanitarian. This is felicitous news!


  1. I also never associated the Lindsay in the commerical to Lohan .. never! I tho't it was only 50 mil, so to see it's actually 100 mil, is even crazier. Sad. I love that commercial!

  2. Pam! I think Lindsay is just trying to keep her name in the press. I read that she wants $50 mil for her pain and suffering and $50 mil for "compensation." I love that commercial too. Thanks for posting!

  3. Craig..I too never thought of that nutcase..and besides which; can I sue HER for all the pain and suffering she has cause me in having to hear about her ridiculous life events? Yikes!

  4. LOL! Joseph...that is hilarious...you should sue her for all of the pain and suffering she has caused you!
